Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Truth Serum

About two months ago, I decided to stop lying. Before this major change in life, I was a pathological liar. I would lie anything and everything.. For instance, If I did not want to come to the phone, I would tell my mother to tell them “She’s not here”. I would lie about people’s appearances and tell them “You look O.K” or worse if I dropped, broke, or misplaced an item in the house I would tell my parents “It wasn’t me”.
Although these are little lies, they are still lies. They go from little white lies, to horrible lies to big huge orchestra lies and if you ask me, they are really difficult to get out of. I decided to stop lying because I was hurting the ones I loved and also myself. Sooner than later, I could not tell the difference between fact or fiction. One example of an orchestra lie, was years ago in my home. “ When I was seventeen years old, my brother Rodney had misplaced a Jar of some sort in his room, thinking he had lost it or going by experience of me always going into his room when he is isn’t there (as a younger sibling would) he quickly blamed it on me. He had told our parents I took his jar. My parents in their mood of “ask one question and blame, blame, blame”. Asked me if I had taken my brother’s Jar. In a honest, no hesitation response I said “No”. Of course, neither my parents or brother believed me which hurt me and caused me to cry. It hurt me because, I really had not taken anything out of his room. Of the record, if I did take something out of his room or played with his video games I would have put it back in it’s place, I was sneaky like that. Anyways, no one believed me because I had proven myself to be a liar.
A year later, still a convicted liar. My brother confessed to me, that he had found the Jar later on that day but he didn’t want to tell me or apologize because he had felt bad for making me cry. As expected, I was highly upset because I was telling the truth and no one had believed me. Although it was my brothers’ fault for not checking his room thoroughly and lacking evidence, I still had to carry some blame. If I was known for telling the truth and not being sneaky, everyone would have believed me of the bat.
In remembrance of this situation, that took place three years ago and what taken place two months ago, I have decided to make a major change in my life, not to lie ever again. Since then life has been good and I feel like a weight has been taken of my shoulders on top of that, my acne had cleared up.
I have gained a new perspective about myself and life. Since I have stopped lying, I noticed that there are people who are lying around me. Shame on them. If I’m watching TV and I don’t want to talk to you. The response is “I’m watching Grey’s anatomy, I’ll talk to you later” If you ask me who am I with, knowing that you don’t like the person, the response is “I’m with Jose”. If I’m running late and I was suppose to be at your house, 2 hours ago, the response is “I haven’t left the house, I’ll be there in an hour.
Come on people, ask away
I don’t bite!


Anonymous said...

great words.
may you always stand by your words.
and may God Bless your future.


Unknown said...

This Is pretty inspirational..its so easy to just lie and avoid a problem, but it just lead to even more. the truth aint always easy but it feels best in the end. x

deleted1964 said...

you being honest is a great thing now,however you still have to be carefull how you say things to people,not everyone has a strong heart and can take ur brutality.